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About Us

The Alaska Governors Prayer Breakfast began in 1983 with the simple belief that Alaskans would take time to pray for the leaders of Alaska. Since then the annual Governors Prayer Breakfast has grown to where it is regularly attended by Alaskans who seek God’s guidance and protection for those fellow citizens who have been chosen to lead our great state into the future.

The Alaska Governors Prayer Breakfast is guided by a board of 14 Alaskans who believe God directs the affairs of Man and is the ultimate authority over human events. We, the Board, believe the Holy Bible to be the inspired, the infallible, the only authoritative Word of God. We believe it is only through God’s Son, Jesus Christ, that one can have a personal relationship with Him.

It is with this understanding that we remain outside the influence of political partisanship for the purpose of seeking God’s direction through prayer for the leaders of our state.


Prayer for Alaska and Beyond

The goal of The Alaska Governors Prayer Breakfast is to reaffirm and promote in a Christ-like manner the idea that God has a purpose for and authority over human events. As commanded by the Holy Scripture it seeks to solicit the Christian community to pray for those individuals in authority, in particular the Governor of Alaska. In furtherance of this goal, it engages in civic, charitable, and religious endeavors such as an annual public prayer breakfast.

The Alaska Governors Prayer Breakfast is non-profit and non-political. It does not seek to influence legislation nor does it involve itself in political activities of any form.


P.O. Box 91984, Anchorage, AK 99509-1984 | Phone: 907-566-1916 (For Message Recorder) 

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